Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dragon's Keep by Janet Lee Carey - 3.5 stars

Dragon's Keep by Janet Lee Carey
3.5 stars

When I was reading this I kept getting mixed feelings. I honestly didn't know why I kept reading it but I did and in the end I found myself really liking it. It's one of those stories that makes you think even after you've finished, wanting to continue on with the characters even though it seems like everything is resolved in the end. 

I think why it has so many bad reviews is the writing. It's not well written sometimes. However, I really enjoyed the overall plot. It was a little weird at times because we have a mix of fantasy and reality. Everyone is Christian and they pray to saints and they kill those accused of witchcraft. But there are also dragon's and a prophecy. I found myself getting extremely annoyed with Rose's mother but I think that was how it was supposed to be. There were many deaths and many sad moments but it added to the story. 

Overall I ended up enjoying it and I'm glad that I picked it up to read. It's probably not something that I will reread like I often do but it is one that I think will stick in my memory.

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